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When Will the Truth Come Out

Did you know that thousands of cancer patients go into remission yet the media rarely report this. This in turn leads to a culture of fear which sadly becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Have you never thought what is it that is going on with people who go into remission? Finally someone has put together the jigsaw. What better candidate than a senior cancer specialist who survived cancer and then became head of a cancer clinic. Dr.Ryke Geerd Hamer Born in 1935 Grew up in Frisia, Germany Age 24 he passed his medical state examination in Marburg.

After his residency two years later, he was granted a professional licence as a Dr. He worked at the university of Tubingen and Heidleberg. In 1972 he completed his specialization in internal medicine. He patented some of his inventions - non-traumatic Hamer scalpel for plastic surgery that cuts twenty times more sharply than a razor; a special bone saw, also for plastic surgery; a massage table that automatically adjusts to the contours of the body; and a device for transcutaneous serum diagnosis. His discovery was precipitated by the accidental killing of his son by an Italian Prince.

He died four months after the shooting. The shock of his sons death lead to Dr.Hamer succumbing to testicular cancer. He had never been seriously ill until this. After surviving his illness he was made head of a cancer clinic. At the cancer clinic he was well placed to ask certain questions about emotional traumas.

All of them had a story to tell. All of them had. He submitted his discovery to the University of Tubingen in October 1981 as a post doctoral thesis for qualification as a university lecturer. The oncologist wanted to have a university study his discovery so as to verify it.

The university rejected the interconnections of the psyche with cancer without testing a single case, something they admitted in court. Following this in 1986 a court sentenced the University of Tubingen to continue the post-doctoral thesis proceedings. They refused. This was unheard of. Why did they refuse?? Dr. Hamer refused to deny what he had discovered and for this he was forbidden from talking to any patients (1986).

Various universities have verified the findings but not signed. One such university which is referred to is Trnava in Slovakia. He has been imprisoned twice and presently lives in hiding. No major media channel will openly debate his discovery. The discovery fell into place after the viewing of 10,000 cancer patients by 1987. A science is something that is: - Reproducible, quantifiable, demonstrable and non-disprovable.

This article focuses in on one of the central tenets of this discovery. The exceptions to this system are poisoning and malnutrition. The 1st biological - the Iron Rule of all Cancer.

The name is a misnomer. initially there was much confusion in what he was observing as he thought the facts only applied to cancer. He later discovered that all disease uses the same mechanism. Like a nickname which quickly cements itself, the name stuck. A disease process originates from a Significant Emotional Event, which we experience as unexpected, dramatic and isolative simultaniously at all levels of our organism. The emotional intensity, conflict length and the tracks (Anchor) determine conflict mass and therefore the process of the disease process.

When we suffer an emotional trauma which meets certain criteria i.when we suffer shock our flight/fight response gets permanently switched on. Sympathetic Nervous System - Fight or Flight Time: active between 6 a.

m. to 8 p.m. Typical symptoms of the sympathetic nervous system are: -Stress, Tense body Obsessive thinking Sleeplessness Absence of Appetite Loss of weight Cold body and extremities High blood pressure Palpitations Contracted blood vessels Nervous and cold perspiration Blood is directed from digestive tract to muscles and vital organs. High output of glucose Increased secretion of adrenaline making faster reaction possible.

The life experience shock impacts three levels simultaneously. The Psche/Brain/Organ. At the moment of the conflict shock, the content determines where the foci (marking) will show up in the brain and the cancer or cancer equivalent will show up in the organ.

The name cancer equivalent is used as essentially the process is the same for all disease. The more intense the feelings are then the quicker the deterioration in the organ. It was only after viewing 10,000 patients did he notice that the conflict theme for a particular organ was always the same. That the brain had a very clear connection with the organs wasn't a surprise, it was that there was such a system operating in the emotional sphere which took his breath away.

Given that what we hear, see, smell and touch has the potential to trigger a serious illness one has to re-evaluate everything and be very careful when working with a patient. The oncologist gives an example of what can and is happening to millions of people. A mother's child gets hit by a car. The "worry" conflict leads to breast cancer.

A few months later the child recovers and her breast tumour stops growing. By this time the tumour has been detected and the Dr's at the local hospital tell her that she has to have her breast amputated. Faced with the diagnosis, negative prognosis and the planned interventions she suffers the following conflicts. A "disfigurement" conflict at the site of where the breast is to be amputated - (melanoma) A "self devaluation" conflict (I am useless there) resulting in osteolysis (break down of bone) at the site of where the breast is. An "attack" conflict of where the breast is to be operated - this leads to pleura mesothelioma (cancer of the sac surrounding the lung) "Fear of death" conflict - alveoli lung cancer.

The fear of death is the most common one effecting people. When bad news is broken at the hospital, the people who hang on every word of the consultant will suffer this conflict. Metastasis - Fact or Dogma Cancer does not spread.

If cancer spread through the blood then transfusions would be screened for cancerous cells as is done for hepatitis. No one is able to view cancer cells moving from organ to organ. What's more is that the histology (cell structure) is different in different organs i.e.

a cancer in the stomach looks like a cauliflour whereas one in the small intestine looks like a flat paving stone. Metastasis theory believes cancer cells mutate while transmigrating from organ to organ. This is pure conjecture and has no scientific foundation. If one looks at cancers with animals in the wild secondaries are very rare.

Dogs and cats do not understand negative diagnosis. If only they were to look in the animal kingdom they might start to question why is it that animals rarely get secondaries. If one looks at the statistics as to which organ is most commonly impacted when a person gets a secondary the lung is at the top of the league table. Is it any surprise given the conflict theme associated with this organ? "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King.

Every ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. To find out more visit http://www.meta-healthsolutions.co.uk

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